Fund “Molière” for the Support of French Language Instruction in Georgia and Development of the French-Georgian University

The Molière Fund is an association under Georgian law which aims to raise public and private funds to promote the teaching of the French language in Georgia and to support the development of the French-Georgian University. The Fund is chaired by the businessman Mr. Jacques Fleury who was at the origin of its creation in 2012. Created to revive French in Georgian schools, the success of the Fund has led to expanding its missions to enable it to support the development of the French-Georgian University (FGU). The Board of Directors of the Fund includes several representatives of French institutions in Georgia, including His Excellency the Ambassador of France Mr. Diego Colas and the Cultural Advisor Mr. Pierre Clouet.

The Fund “Molière” supports the implementation of double degree programs within the framework of the French-Georgian University. It also contributes to the promotion and communication of the FGU, supports the missions of French professors in Georgia and contributes to the organization of scientific, cultural and educational events organized by the FGU.


Support the FGU by becoming a donor of the Fund: donations can be made through the bank account of the Fund dedicated to the FGU:

Find out the FGU news on our Facebook page 

For more information, please contact:

David Teurtrie, Coordinator of the FGU:

Nestan Talakhadze: Assistant-Communications Manager of the FGU: