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INSA Rennes

INSA Rennes

Fondée en 1966, l’INSA de Rennes fait partie du réseau mondialement reconnu des grandes écoles françaises très sélectives. Elle est...

Université Lumière Lyon 2

Université Lumière Lyon 2

We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.

Université de Rennes

Université de Rennes

We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.

Université Paris 8

Université Paris 8

We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.

Université de Montpellier

Université de Montpellier

We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.

Montpellier SupAgro

Montpellier SupAgro

We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.